Key Pad V.2 10Micron

SKU: 10M5030

New version of the 10Micron GM mounts Key Pad, with larger display, metal body, professional industrial grade buttons and several new features


Technical specs
Included items

The new Key Pad V.2 for 10Micron GMXXXX mounts offers several new features like: rugged metal housing, large graphic display with five text lines and status icons, heating system for low temperature operation, dimmable display and backlit keys, reliable professional micro switches. Included in the all HPS mount, on demand for other models; sold as retrofit for older mount with mandatory firmware up-grade (must be applied)  – CDrom included.
(Full functionality only with mounts having firmware version 2.12 and over already installed ) – works also with firmware v. 1.x ( display will show only two text line and no status icons

This keypad is already supplied with the new HPS mounts

Technical specs
  • Compatibility: all GM mounts, firmware versions older than 2.12 with limited functionality
  • Display: 5 text lines and status icons
  • Push buttons: professional micro switches
  • Illumination: dimmable display and back-illuminates keys
  • Built in cable to connect to the control box
  • Aluminum body
Included items
  • Key Pad v.2 by 10Micron with cable

No compatible accessory

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