10Micron for amateur astronomers

10Micron GM mounts represent a point of arrival for the amateur astronomers, looking for a “cutting edge” telescope mount: the demanding requirements of the modern astronomy (specially astro-photography, but also amatorial research such as sueprnovae, astrometry, photometry etc), are our primary goals, but never forgetting the needs of an easy and quick setup in the field.

Our GM mounts are a perfect choice for the exigent amateur astronomers.

The GM1000 HPS is the first step into 10Micron world, it offers an extreme quality in a very portable and light configuration, with the respectable payload capacity of 25Kg (55lbs), enoough for most of the users with mobile configuration.

The GM2000 HPS II represents probably the best compromise between portability and performances; for this reason we developed years ago the “Ultraportable” version, to give the amateur astronomers who travels to the darker skyies the huge payload capacity of 50kg (110 lbs)! The “Monolithic” version, wich was the first 10Micron Mount, is still the favorite choice for amateur and private observatories.

The GM3000 HPS is a recent introduction, offering a 100Kg (220lbs) capacity, perfect for bigger instruments  and It was very well welcomed from several observatories all around the world

The GM4000 HPS II represents a very important achievement for us, because with this superb Mount we can assure our amateur customer a professional performance grade product, capable to accomodate 150kg (330 lbs) of payload.

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For all the binoculars fans, the BM100 Leonardo is our special Mount, wich can offer an incredible confort in your observations, allowing to make the most of your astronomical binocular. this Mount features an incredible smoothness of movement.

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